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How Webinars Can Bring Sales and Marketing Together

Authors: GiniRoberts Todd Earwood
Posted Under: The Content Experience Show
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Hosted By

Anna Hrach

Convince & Convert

Apple Podcast Reviews:

It doesn't get any better for content marketers. They present a balanced, insightful discussion of current trends and ask all the right questions. Their guest list is a "Who's Who" of content professionals. Outstanding.

Jared Johnson Piano

I love listening to marketing podcasts and this one is on my must-listen to list. Very knowledgable hosts and topical discussions.

The Marketing Book Podcast

Todd Earwood, Founder and CEO of MoneyPath, joins the Content Experience Show to discuss the union of sales and marketing, plus surprising findings on webinars.

"We think some content pieces we create are intentionally going to have a short shelf life, but if you do it right, you can have it almost evergreen." -Todd Earwood, Moneypath

Evergreen Webinars

When it comes to creating long-term content, few marketers will immediately throw out the idea of a webinar. After all, isn’t the point of a webinar to create an experience for a single moment in time?
According to Todd Earwood and the studies he has conducted at MoneyPath, webinars can and should be so much more than a single event! In his words, a webinar done well should be a factory for evergreen content.
By following some of Todd’s strategies, like setting up your webinar in the Buzzfeed “listicle” style and pulling highlights, you can create multiple videos and audio recordings to re-purpose throughout the year. In this way, you’ll add greater value to your content while also gaining sales leads from those who attend and those who engage after the fact.

In This Episode

  • How MoneyPath went deep on email analysis.
  • Email’s shift from being standalone content to a delivery system for other content.
  • How to use webinars to bring sales and marketing together.
  • How to create webinars that can serve as long-term content.

Quotes From This Episode

“We can’t be oil and water. We have to work together.” — @earwood
“If we’re going to really look at the metrics for a webinar, we’ve got to get past this registration- and attendee-only model. It’s not just the live event.” — @earwood
You create a webinar once in a great way. Now you have a content factory model to repurpose multiple times. Share on X


Content Experience Lightning Round

Bourbon or Fried Chicken?
Fried chicken.
Ice cream or pie?
Always ice cream!
Basketball or football?
See you next week!

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